Living the Glorious Life everyday
Living the Glorious Life everyday
The Glorious Woman is an arm of the GLCFI Ministry. It exists to enable women in the GLCFI achieve their full potential in God, and fulfill their God-ordained destinies. We assist one another through interactive Biblical-based fellowship and prayer meetings designed to inspire, empower, and enrich the lives of women. We encourage women to live daily by the word of God in our capacity as wives, mothers, mentors, sisters, daughters, and all other roles we play. We also encourage women to participate in the activities of the Church by utilizing the gifts and talents that God has given them. We usually hold our meetings quarterly. We joyfully welcome you into our midst. (Prov. 31).
· Men all over the world today are faced with diverse range of challenges that some have turned to different measures to find strength, acceptance and a place to belong. At GLCFI, there is a dedicated ministry to men so that we can grow into what God wants us to be despite the challenges that we face. Our men are encouraged here to take on the instructions that God gave to Joshua when he was ordained to lead Israel to the promised land. It was a mandate to ‘be strong and of good courage’ Joshua 1 vs.6.
· For us, sharpening and growth is a process and it happens through the various meetings, prayer sessions, forums and conferences that we have together as men.
· The focus is on God that as he commanded Joshua to be strong and of good courage, we also, gain strength through reliance on God. On a practical level we are committed to three key areas – FAITH, FAMILY and FINANCE.
In the Men Fellowship, the man is the focus; he functions in different capacities in life.
The Man as a father
The Man as the husband
The Man as the breadwinner
The Man as the spiritual head of his family
The Man and his spiritual walk
The Man and his finances
The Man and his health
Vibrant Youth
Our Youth and Singles ministry at GLCFI is designed in a unique way to enhance the value of every individual and set them up for supernatural accomplishments. This ministry is specifically focused on raising people with a difference. The youths in GLCFI are definitely unique in every way! The programming of the youth and singles is directed at their specific needs, touching on areas like destiny, relationships and marriage, finance and many other relevant areas. We believe that when the youths and singles are spiritually buoyant, they will be definite change agents for this generation. Therefore you definitely need to be a part of this great army. The details below expose some of the set programs in our calendar. However, additional programs will usually be announced from time to time for your edification. Please take full advantage of them and your life will never be the same!
Teens Ministry
The Teens ministry at GLCFI is designed to reach out to our teenagers with the message of faith to build them up for a glorious future. It is common knowledge that there is wide spread decadence within the teenagers of our land.
However, contrary to that moral erosion, God is set to raise men and women of honour and glory from amongst them. It is with this at heart that our teen’s church tirelessly pursues the mandate as it concerns the teenagers in the language that they understand and relate to, loosening them from the decadence and setting them up for a destiny of glory.
Therefore, all teenagers are welcome to partake of this colourful ministry to deliver a glorious destiny. You may find the details below helpful in giving directions concerning some of the events in our teen’s church calendar.
In addition to these set programs, there will be special programs brought to your notice from time to time for the edification of our teenagers. We encourage you to take part in them and they will bring a change of story.
Each ministry at GLCFI is designed to nurture the spiritual growth of our members, serve our community, and share the love of Christ with those around us. Here are some key ministries within
our church: